
New call for tender: Study on the training needs of court staff on EU law in the EU (JUST/2018/JACC/PR/CRIM/0131)

The European Commission published a call for tender for a study on the training needs of court staff on EU law in the EU. The general objective of the study is to map in details the training needs on EU law of the different types of court staff according to their respective tasks in the EU Member States.

Contract notice: Link opens in new window2019/S 027-059055

Access to tender documents:

Information on the tender is available on the e-Tendering platform Link opens in new windowhere.

Deadline for receipt of tenders: 12:00 CET, 26 March 2019

Important notice:

Bids in response to this call for tenders have to be submitted exclusively using the e-Submission application which allows economic operators to respond to Call for tenders by preparing their Tenders electronically in a structured and secured way, and submitting their tenders electronically. Further information and guidance can be found on the Link opens in new windowe-Tendering platform.