Other material

  • Other material
    • Member State: Malta
    • Title: You are a Consumer
    • Emanating from: Malta Competition and Consumer Affairs Authority
    • URL: https://issuu.com/mccaamalta/docs/int_konsumatur_english/2
    • Keywords: consumer, consumer rights, product price, price comparation, offered products, VAT included, unit price
  • Directive Articles
    Consumer Sales and Guarantees Directive, link , Price Indication Directive, link , Package Travel Directive, link , Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, link
  • Headnote

    Int Konsumatur.


    Consumers have the right to find the price of all the products offered for sale by the seller. The price indicated must include the Value Added Tax (VAT) as well as any other charges. Where products are sold by weight or volume, two prices need to be included on the product: (i) the actual price at which the product will be sold to the consumer, and (ii) the unit price of the product. The latter may be indicated in a smaller font.

  • General Note
  • Full text