
  • Rechtssachenbeschreibung
    • Nationale Kennung: X ZR 198/04
    • Mitgliedstaat: Deutschland
    • Gebräuchliche Bezeichnung:N/A
    • Art des Beschlusses: Sonstiges
    • Beschlussdatum: 25/04/2006
    • Gericht: BGH
    • Betreff:
    • Kläger:
    • Beklagter:
    • Schlagworte: Rechtsprechung Deutschland Deutsch
  • Artikel der Richtlinie
    Package Travel Directive, Article 2, 5. Package Travel Directive, Article 4, 1., (a) Package Travel Directive, Article 4, 2. Package Travel Directive, ANNEX
  • Leitsatz
    Es bleibt offen, ob zwischen einem Reisebüro, das Agenturverträge mit verschiedenen Reiseveranstaltern geschlossen hat, und dem Beratung bei der Auswahl einer Pauschalreise wünschenden Reisekunden ein eigenes Vertragsverhältnis mit Haftungsfolgen für das Reisebüro zustandekommt.
    Nach getroffener Auswahlentscheidung des Reisekunden wird das Reisebüro bei den Informationen über die Durchführung der konkreten gewählten Reise jedenfalls nur noch als Erfüllungsgehilfe des Reiseveranstalters tätig.
    Insbesondere die Information über die Pass- und Visumerfordernisse gehört in der Regel nicht zu der möglicherweise vom Reisebüro geschuldeten Auswahlberatung, sondern ist allein Pflicht des Reiseveranstalters bei den Verhandlungen über den gewählten Reisevertrag (§§ 4 Abs. 1 Nr. 6, 5 Nr. 1 BGB-InfoV). Sofern sich der Reiseveranstalter zur Erfüllung dieser Pflicht des Reisebüros bedient, haftet er für dessen Verschulden (§ 278 BGB).
  • Sachverhalt
    The plaintiff claims damages on the grounds of omitted advice about immigration regulations from the defendant travel agency, where she had book a package travel.The plaintiff consulted the defendant, which acts as an agent for various tour operators, and booked a package travel to Bulgaria for his family and herself. Entry regulations of this state required the presentation of a passport. The plaintiff’s 16-year-old son did not have a passport. He was thus denied transportation at the desk of the tour operator at Hannover airport on the day the travel was commenced. Subsequently, the plaintiff rebooked the family’s flight to Rostock for the next day and the family returned to Bremen with a rental car, where the needed passport was acquired. On the next day, the family took the rental car to go to Rostock. The rebooking charge, the fee for the rental car and petrol caused expenses amounting to EUR 678,75. Theses expenses together with compensation amounting to EUR 221,71 for a missed day of travel, the plaintiff claims as damages from the defendant. She states that the defendant’s employees had not properly advised her about the entry regulations of Bulgaria. The claim was rejected in the lower instances.
  • Rechtsfrage
  • Entscheidung

    The Federal Court of Justice has rejected the plaintiff’s appeal on a point of law. It could remain undecided whether a separate contract creating an additional liability is concluded between a travel agency which acts as an agent for various tour operators and a customer requesting guidance with respect to the choice of a package travel or any other liability of the travel agency separate from that of the tour operator did arise. This was because a potential autonomous liability of the travel agency would be limited to the advice with respect to the choice of the package travel. It was not the task of the travel agency, but the task of the tour operator to provide the customer with the information necessary to carry out the chosen package travel. With the choice of a particular package travel the negotiations for the conclusion of a package travel contract between the customer and the chosen tour operator began, and thus the precontractual liability of the latter. The passport and visa requirements were usually of no importance for the choice of the package travel and therefore in principle was not comprised by the advice required from the travel agency. It was the duty of the tour operator to inform the tourist about these requirements in the course of the contract negotiations. The travel agency was neither obliged to instruct the potential customer about a passport or visa requirement because the customer would otherwise be in danger of booking a travel for which she would not be able to obtain the required immigration document in time. Under §§ 4(1) no. 6, 4 5 no. 1 BGB-InfoV [Ordinance on Information Duties under Civil Law] the tour operator was obliged to inform the customer about potential passport or visa requirements and the deadlines which had to met to obtain them. Although this instruction would usually take place during the negotiations in the travel agency, the travel agency in this case acted merely as an assistant in rendering an act of performance of the tour operator [“Erfüllungsgehilfe”].

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