
  • Dettagli del caso
    • ID nazionale: Court of Cassation, 3rd Section, Judgment 17724
    • Stato membro: Italia
    • Nome comune:N/A
    • Tipo di decisione: Decisione giurisdizionale in appello
    • Data della decisione: 06/07/2018
    • Organo giurisdizionale: Civil Court of Cassation
    • Oggetto:
    • Attore:
    • Convenuto:
    • Parole chiave: ruined holidays, compensation, damages
  • Articoli della direttiva
    Package Travel Directive, link
  • Nota introduttiva

    Transport agreement and tourism. Compensation based on the balance between the principle of tolerance of minimum damages and the concrete condition of the parties to the contract.

  • Fatti

    Compensation in the same way as the general precepts of correctness and good faith and the consideration of the importance of the damage, based on the balancing, on the one hand, of the principle of tolerance of injuries minimum and for the other, the concrete condition of the parties.

  • Questione giuridica

    Non-pecuniary damage from "ruined holidays", as expressly provided for in the implementation of Directive 90/314/EEC, constitutes one of the cases provided for by law pursuant to art. 2059 Italian Civil Code of compensable damage.

    It is up to the trial judge to evaluate the application.

  • Decisione

    The Supreme Court has quashed the reference contested judgement due to omitted examination of a decisive fact which was object of discussion between the parties, consisting in the non-assessment of the negative repercussion of the late finding of baggage on continuation of the holiday period.

    Testo integrale: Testo integrale

  • Casi correlati

    Nessun risultato disponibile

  • Dottrina

    Nessun risultato disponibile

  • Risultato

    The Supreme Court decided against an appeal regarding the responsibility of the tour operator for breach of the transport contract.