
  • Dettagli del caso
    • ID nazionale: Supreme Court, Judgement n. 8662
    • Stato membro: Italia
    • Nome comune:N/A
    • Tipo di decisione: Decisione della Corte suprema
    • Data della decisione: 08/05/2020
    • Organo giurisdizionale: Cassazione Civile
    • Oggetto:
    • Attore:
    • Convenuto:
    • Parole chiave: concept of "consumer ", surety contract, guaranteed obligations
  • Articoli della direttiva
    Unfair Contract Terms Directive, Article 1, 1. Unfair Contract Terms Directive, Article 2, (b)
  • Nota introduttiva

    OMISSIS appealed to the Supreme Court against the order of the Court of Rome in which, in the judgement opposing the injunction presented by OMISSIS, after having separated the positions of the principal from that of the guarantors for the latter, it declared its territorial incompetence.

    The Supreme Court rejected the application of OMISSIS as it believes that, in the matter of a surety contract stipulated between a natural person and a creditor to guarantee the obligations of a commercial company, Directive 93/13 art. 2, paragraph 2 lett. B can be applied. In particular, when the natural person "acts for purposes beyond his professional activity" and there is no functional connection between this and the guaranteed company, the natural person falls within the concept of consumer. Therefore, the personal guarantors OMISSIS of the entrepreneur, not having acted in the entrepreneurial activity, must be qualified as guarantors.

  • Fatti

    The entrepreneur OMISSIS, after obtaining a loan of € 1,100,000.00, entered into an agricultural loan agreement with OMISSIS guaranteed in part by personal guarantees OMISSIS (up to the amount of 1,320,000.00) and in part by the OMISSIS bank (in an amount equal to 80% of the debt). Following the non-payment of some overdue instalments, the bank paid the creditor the sum of 880,000.00 (equal to the amount guaranteed by the institute) and obtained an injunction at the Court of Rome against the main debtor (agricultural entrepreneur) and his guarantors OMISSIS. OMISSIS (as personal guarantors of the agricultural entrepreneur) presented opposition to an injunction and firstly raised an objection of territorial incompetence by indicating the Court of Matera as the consumer's forum. The Court of Rome, after having separated the judgements between the principal debtor and the guarantors, declared by order its lack of jurisdiction in accepting the objection raised. OMISSIS challenged the order of the Court of Rome with an application for "jurisdictional regulation" before the Court of Cassation because, in consideration of the ancillary nature of the surety relationship concerning the main obligation, it argued that the principal debtor had to be checked to see if he was indeed a consumer. The Supreme Court rejected the request of OMISSIS.

  • Questione giuridica

    Can a natural person who enters into a surety agreement with a credit institution to guarantee a debt of a commercial company but who acts for purposes that are outside their professional activities and that have no functional connection with the guaranteed company, fall under the concept of "consumer " provided for by Directive 93/13?

  • Decisione

    The Court ruled that the status of consumer referred to in Directive 93/13 art. 2, par. 2 lett. B) has an objective nature and that in surety contracts, must be assessed not in relation to the nature of the guaranteed obligation but in relation to the activities carried out by the natural person as well as the functional connection of the latter with the company. In particular, it is necessary to emphasise the extent of the participation of individuals in the share capital as well as the possible capacity of the director of the company. Therefore, consumer status is not part of the obligation itself that the subject assumes and must be evaluated on a case-by-case basis by the judge.


    Testo integrale: Testo integrale

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  • Risultato

    The Court rejected the application for territorial incompetence.