Ítélkezési gyakorlat

  • Az ügy részletei
    • Nemzeti azonosító: Supreme Court, Judgement Kfv.37243/2021/11
    • Tagállam: Magyarország
    • Közhasználatú név:N/A
    • Határozat típusa: Legfelsőbb bírósági határozat
    • A határozat napja: 06/10/2021
    • Bíróság: Kúria
    • Tárgy:
    • Felperes:
    • Alperes:
    • Kulcsszavak: unfair commercial practices, free, advertisement, service
  • Az irányelv cikkei
    Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, Chapter 2, Section 1, Article 6 Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, Chapter 2, Section 1, Article 7
  • Megjegyzés

    Using the consumer’s private data for targeted advertising in exchange of digital services does not constitute a price, thus using the term “free of charge” does not constitute unfair commercial practice by the service provider.

  • Tények

    The plaintiff was operating a website which claimed to provide a variety of free digital services to users who registered on its website. It imposed no financial obligations on consumers but had them consent to the commercial use of their data (as targeted advertisement). The respondent ( Consumer Protection Authority) conducted an investigation into the commercial practices of the plaintiff and found several discrepancies. After notifying the plaintiff of these, the plaintiff made a pledge to correct its conduct in a variety of ways. This pledge was found to be insufficient by the respondent, who then in an administrative decision fined the plaintiff, citing unfair commercial practices.

  • Jogi kérdés

    Whether consumers paying in a non-monetary fashion (with their personal data) still fits into the definition of free service?

  • Határozat

    The Supreme Court agreed with the court of first instance, noting that while the price of a good or service is not necessarily restricted to just monetary payment (but also extends to all disadvantages incurred by the consumer that is not inherent to the good/service and which could affect the consumer’s decision to purchase), using consumer data for targeted advertising does not fit into this category. Thus, the plaintiff correctly used “free of charge” as a term on its website, and no unfair commercial practice can be established.

    Teljes szöveg: Teljes szöveg

  • Kapcsolódó ügyek

    Nincs találat

  • Jogi szakirodalom

    Nincs találat

  • Eredmény

    The Supreme Court sustained the judgement of the court of first instance.