
  • Informações sobre o processo
    • ID nacional: Supreme Court, Judgment 4594/05 6TVLSB.L1.S1
    • Estado-Membro: Portugal
    • Designação comum:N/A
    • Tipo de decisão: Decisão do Supremo Tribunal
    • Data da decisão: 29/09/2017
    • Tribunal: Supreme Court
    • Assunto:
    • Requerente:
    • Requerido:
    • Palavras-chave: Contract Law, B2C, consumer, professional, trader, purchaser, vulnerable consumer, product, business-to-consumer commercial practices, consumer contracts, seller, supplier, trade, business, profession, unfairness, unfair practices, unfair comercial practices, comercial practices
  • Artigos da diretiva
    Consumer Sales and Guarantees Directive, Article 1 Consumer Sales and Guarantees Directive, Article 4 Consumer Sales and Guarantees Directive, Article 4 Consumer Sales and Guarantees Directive, Article 5 Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, link
  • Nota introdutória

    One of the forms of advertising activity is comparative advertising. Comparative advertising is the one that identifies, explicitly or implicitly, a competitor and/or the goods or services offered by a competitor. Comparative advertising is only lawful when it is not misleading. The burden of proof of the veracity of comparative advertising lies on the advertiser.

    In general, any commercial practice contrary to professional diligence, that distorts or may substantially distort the consumer's economic behavior, or that affects the consumer in relation to a good or a service, is disloyal. The loyal or disloyal character of commercial practice is determined by using the average consumer as a reference. Unfair business practices are prohibited.

  • Factos

    In the present case, it deals with an issue related to misleading advertising, as well as with the unfair competition that accompanies it.

    The natural gas company (propane) carried out an advertising campaign in which it claimed that propane was safer than butane, as well as being much more environmentally friendly. This publicity made potential customers of the butane distribution company rethink the distribution contracts they were about to conclude.

    The alleged violation of the law of publicity and unfair competition is discussed.

  • Questões jurídicas

    Unfair business practices. Misleading comparative advertising. Consumer protection in Decree-Law No. 57/2008, of March 26, on unfair commercial practices, which transposes Directive 2005/29/EC, of the European Parliament and of the Council of May 11, concerning unfair business practices of companies in relations with consumers in the internal market, and Directive 2006/114/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of December 12 2006 on misleading and comparative advertising.

  • Decisão

    Having not violated the general principles referred to in articles 6 and 10 of the Advertising Code - illegality, identifiability, truthfulness, and respect for consumer rights - the Court dismisses the action, taking into account that for the clarification of potential customers it is legitimate to link the most outstanding aspects of the product represented by the producer, which is a natural effect of advertising.

    URL: http://www.dgsi.pt/jstj.nsf/954f0ce6ad9dd8b980256b5f003fa814/0c6c71c31179e272802581aa005424b1?OpenDocument

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