
  • Informações sobre o processo
    • ID nacional: Supreme Court of Justice, Judgement 2293/10.6TBVIS.C1.S1
    • Estado-Membro: Portugal
    • Designação comum:N/A
    • Tipo de decisão: Decisão do Supremo Tribunal
    • Data da decisão: 07/03/2019
    • Tribunal: Supremo Tribunal de Justiça
    • Assunto:
    • Requerente:
    • Requerido:
    • Palavras-chave: Consumer rights, contract law, real state
  • Artigos da diretiva
    Consumer Sales and Guarantees Directive, Article 8, 1.
  • Nota introdutória

    In the event of non-performance by the contractor of a repair contract, the law grants the consumer the right to have the asset repaired, replaced, the price reduced, the contract rescinded, or damages compensated.

    The consumer may, in principle, freely opt for the right to compensation, unless, specifically, this option is deemed abusive.

  • Factos

    The present action was brought against a construction company claiming damages, amounting to EUR 44,260.00, for the poor execution of a work contract through which he had undertaken to build a house on their behalf.

    The house, delivered in 2005, did not stop the rainwater, which caused them several damages.

    The defendant claimed for the dismissal of the request.

    A sentence was handed, on the grounds of forfeiture, acquitting the defendant of the request.

    The plaintiffs appealed and the Coimbra Court of Appeal handed a new decision which revoked the sentence granting the plaintiffs’ claim.

    The defendant filed this appeal.

  • Questões jurídicas

    Is the consumer free to choose the right to compensation?

  • Decisão

    To proceed with the exception of abuse of the right invoked by the contractor on the grounds of manifest excess of the values in question, the contractor shall bear the burden of proof.

    The statements made by the contractor to the owner of the work in the sense of acceptance of responsibility for the repairs to be made prevent forfeiture if they have taken place within the period considered; if they are made after the period, they waive the invoking of forfeiture.

    It was also determined that the regime of Decree-Law no. 67/2003, of April 8 (which transposes the Directive in question) is applicable to a contract signed prior to its effective date as the facts relating to the faulty performance of the contractor are subsequent.

    URL: http://www.dgsi.pt/jstj.nsf/954f0ce6ad9dd8b980256b5f003fa814/b07ec64bfa89f218802583b60052d515?OpenDocument

    Texto integral: Texto integral

  • Processos conexos

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  • Bibliografia jurídica

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  • Resultado

    The Court partially reviewed the Second Instance Court’s Judgement.

    Through this judgement, the Court considered that the consumer may, in principle, freely opt for the right to compensation, unless, specifically, this option is deemed abusive.