
  • Dettalji tal-Każ
    • ID Nazzjonali: Court of Appeal, Judgement 37/2018
    • Stat Membru: Malta
    • Isem Komuni:Godfrey Calleja v GlobalCapital Financial Management Limited
    • Tip ta’ deċiżjoni: Oħrajn
    • Data tad-Deċiżjoni: 28/10/2020
    • Qorti: Court of Appeal
    • Suġġett:
    • Rikorrent:
    • Intimat:
    • Kliem Prinċipali: unfair commercial practices; investments; professional diligence; good faith
  • Artikoli tad-Direttiva
    Unfair Contract Terms Directive, Article 3 Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, Chapter 1, Article 2 Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, Chapter 1, Article 3 Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, Chapter 2, Article 5
  • Nota Introduttiva

    Traders are to act in the best interests of their clients. Approaching a consumer with a product to invest in, knowing that the consumer does not fully understand the investment, amounts to a misleading action and a misleading omission as well as to a breach of the trader’s fiduciary duties. The plaintiff consumers also claimed that the standard form contract that was entered into contained a number of unfair terms.

  • Fatti

    The plaintiffs initially brought proceedings before the Arbiter for Financial Services after having sought advice from the defendant to invest their money. The plaintiffs claimed that the defendant acted negligently which resulted in a big loss of money. The Arbiter noted that when a contract is entered into between a trader and a consumer, the provisions of the Consumer Affairs Act are applicable. The Arbiter also noted that traders are to act with professional diligence. The Arbiter stated that the defendant should have exercised professional diligence in determining where to invest the plaintiffs’ money, especially when knowing that the plaintiffs did not have any experience or knowledge in the field of investments in financial services.

    The Arbiter found for the plaintiffs and the defendant appealed to the Court of Appeal. The Court of Appeal upheld the decision of the Arbiter for Financial Services.

  • Kwistjonijiet legali

    What constitutes an unfair commercial practice under the Consumer Affairs Act?

  • Deċiżjoni

    The Court noted that the provisions of the Consumer Affairs Act should prevail over the provisions of the Civil Code and the Commercial Code when a trader enters into a contract with a consumer. Furthermore, the defendant was expected to act with a high level of diligence when negotiating with the consumers and to follow the instructions given to it by the consumers.

    URL: https://ecourts.gov.mt/onlineservices/Judgements/Details?JudgementId=0&CaseJudgementId=122417

    Test sħiħ: Test sħiħ

  • Każijiet Relatati

    Ebda riżultat disponibbli

  • Letteratura Legali

    Ebda riżultat disponibbli

  • Riżultat

    The Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal and confirmed the decision of the Arbiter for Financial Services.