
  • Detalii privind cazul
    • ID național: Bucharest County Court, Civil Section IV, Judgement 2661/2020
    • Statul membru: România
    • Denumire comună:N/A
    • Tipul de decizie: Decizie a Curții care face obiectul unui recurs
    • Data deciziei: 24/09/2020
    • Instanţa: Tribunalul Bucureşti, Secţia A Vi-A Civilă
    • Obiect:
    • Reclamantul:
    • Pârâtul:
    • Cuvinte-cheie: consumers rights, distance contract, right of withdrawal, lack of conformity, damage, liability, passing of risk, burden of proof
  • Articole din directivă
    Consumer Sales and Guarantees Directive, Article 3 Consumer Rights Directive, Chapter 3, Article 9 Consumer Rights Directive, Chapter 3, Article 13 Consumer Rights Directive, Chapter 4, Article 20 Consumer Rights Directive, Chapter 4, Article 20
  • Notă preliminară

    A trader who has not proved that he has delivered a fully compliant product and that the damage was caused by the consumer, is not entitled to claim that the consumer should bear the risk for the damage of that product.

  • Fapte

    After receiving the smart TV acquired through a distance contract, the consumer verified the product in the presence of the carrier and no exterior visible defects were found, however, some internal defects appeared when the TV was connected to the electrical grid and the consumer withdrew from the contract in due time. The consumer then brought court proceedings asking for the reimbursement of the price and a judgement in his favour was rendered. The professional appealed that judgement, arguing that the damage was revealed after delivery, therefore the risk is on the consumer.

  • Chestiune juridică

    Who should bear the risk and liability for the (internal) damage of a product, when the damage is found only after the reception of the good by the consumer?

  • Hotărârea

    According to Law 449/2003, the trader is obliged to deliver compliant products and he is liable in case of the non-conformity. Any default of conformity that appears within 6 months from the delivery is presumed to exist at the moment of delivery (except when that presumption is incompatible with the nature of the goods or with the default of conformity).

    When the consumer exercises its withdrawal right in due time and also asks for reimbursement, the trader is obliged to reimburse the price (art. 13 GEO 34/2014); the consumer is not obliged to justify its withdrawal from the contract (art. 9(1) GEO 34/2014) nor ask for the reparation of the product acquired.

    Since art. 18 of the Law 449/2003 presumes that a defect which appeared in the 6 months following the delivery existed at the time of delivery, the trader who did not rebut this presumption is liable. In order for the consumer to bear the risk for the damage, the trader should prove that he delivered a compliant good and the damage was the consumer’s fault.

    Since, in the case, the expertise revealed that the product was damaged after a shock during handling and/or transportation and the defect could be detected only after the installation, in this case, connection to the electrical grid and switching on of the TV (and not by a simple exterior verification), it cannot be used to reverse the legal presumption. A trader who does not prove that he has delivered a fully compliant product and that the damage was caused by the consumer, is not entitled to claim that the consumer should bear the risk for that damage (according to article 20 GEO 34/2014)

    Text integral: Text integral

  • Cazuri conexe

    Nu există rezultate disponibile

  • Doctrină

    Nu există rezultate disponibile

  • Rezultat

    The judgement in first instance, which found that the consumer dully withdrew from the contract and that he is not liable for the damage of the good, respected the applicable legal provisions. The appeal was rejected. The judgement can be further attacked with an appeal on points of law.