
  • Dane sprawy
    • Identyfikator krajowy: Supreme Court, II CSKP 459/22
    • Państwo członkowskie: Polska
    • Nazwa zwyczajowa:N/A
    • Rodzaj decyzji: Orzeczenie sądu najwyższego
    • Data decyzji: 03/02/2022
    • Sąd: Sąd Najwyższy
    • Temat:
    • Powód/powódka:
    • Pozwany/Pozwana:
    • Słowa kluczowe: unfair terms, main subject matter, credit agreement, nullity, cancellation of contract
  • Artykuły dyrektywy
    Unfair Commercial Practices Directive, Chapter 1, Article 4
  • Uwaga główna

    The judgement deals with the problem of considering a valorisation clause in a credit agreement as an unfair term. It also touches on the issue of the consequences of considering such a clause as unfair as regards the validity of the credit agreement.

  • Fakty

    The plaintiff applied for an order against the defendant (...) Bank S.A. for the amount of PLN 477,242.24 for payment of material benefits obtained without legal basis with statutory interest for delay from the day following the delivery of the statement of the claim to the date of payment and establishing the non-existence of a legal relationship resulting from the obligation described in the mortgage loan agreement for natural persons indexed with the CHF rate and any other obligations, declarations or ancillary contracts thereto, including all regulations and other contract templates regarding future benefits, not covered by the payment request - due to the invalidity of this obligation. Alternatively, the claimant applied for a determination that in the legal relationship between her and the defendant on the basis of the abovementioned Agreements on benefits not covered by the claim for payment of the plaintiff are not bound by contractual provisions regarding the indexation of the loan amount and principal and interest instalments with the exchange rate of the Swiss franc, contained in particular in § 1 sec. 3, § 1 section 3a, § 10 sec. 4 and § 12 section 5 of the contract, as well as for awarding the defendant to the defendant in the amount of PLN 175,413.30 together with interest, for the reimbursement of the difference between the amount charged by the defendant for the repayment of the loan calculated with the use of prohibited contractual clauses and the amount calculated with the exception of their application.

  • Zagadnienie prawne

    May a valorisation clause in a credit agreement be considered as an unfair contractual term? If so, would the credit agreement still be valid?

  • Decyzja

    The provisions of the contract allowing the bank to freely shape the exchange rate of a foreign currency, are illegal contractual provisions, as they shape the consumer's rights and obligations in a manner contrary to morality, and thus grossly violating his interests. They are non-transparent and leave room for the bank to act arbitrarily. In this way, they burden the borrower with unpredictable risk and violate the equality of the parties. Such a contractual regulation should be considered unacceptable, regardless of whether the entrepreneur's (bank's) freedom to determine the rate is full or limited in some way, e.g. if the maximum possible deviation from the rate determined using objective criteria is introduced. If the elimination of a prohibited contractual provision leads to such a deformation of the contractual regulation that, on the basis of its remaining content, the original content of the rights and obligations of the parties cannot be maintained, it cannot be assumed that the parties remain bound by the remaining part of the contract. The elimination of the exchange rate risk, characteristic of a loan indexed to a foreign currency and justifying the linking of the interest rate with the LIBOR rate, is tantamount to such a far-reaching transformation of the contract that it should be considered an agreement of a different essence and nature altogether, even if it was still only a different sub-type or a variant of the loan agreement. In this case, it is not possible to maintain the contract of the nature intended by the parties, which proves its complete nullity, and the services provided on its basis should be perceived as undue services within the meaning of Art. 410 § 2 of the Civil Code.

    URL: http://www.sn.pl/sites/orzecznictwo/OrzeczeniaHTML/ii%20cskp%20459-22.docx.html

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  • Wynik

    The Supreme Court rejected the defendant’s appeal.