
  • Tapaustiedot
    • Kansallinen tunniste: Market Court, Judgement 10/2022
    • Jäsenvaltio: Suomi
    • Lyhytnimi:N/A
    • Päätöksen tyyppi: Tuomioistuimen päätös, muutoksenhaku
    • Päätöksen päivämäärä: 06/04/2022
    • Tuomioistuin: Markkinaoikeus
    • Aihe:
    • Kantaja:
    • Vastaaja:
    • Avainsanat: Unfair commercial practices, Jurisdiction, False information
  • Direktiivin artiklat
    Misleading and Comparative Advertising Directive, Article 3 Misleading and Comparative Advertising Directive, Article 3 Misleading and Comparative Advertising Directive, Article 4 Misleading and Comparative Advertising Directive, Article 4
  • Ylähuomautus

    An arbitral award concerning contractual claims arising from a commercial agreement between the applicant and the defendant does not preclude the Market Court from considering an application concerning a claim for prohibition under the Unfair Business Practices Act between the parties due to the negative effect of res judicata arising from the arbitral award. The Market Court ruled that consideration of claimed prohibition does not merely resolve a dispute concerning the legal relationship between the two parties but may consider the appropriateness of the conduct of business and thus is partly a dispositive matter as a matter of market law.

  • Taustatiedot

    The applicant requested the Market Court to prohibit the defendant, under the Unfair Business Practices Act, from continuing the use of various statements concerning the applicant and their Rondo System. The defendant claimed that the parties have an existing arbitral award concerning the substantive merits of the case, which the defendant claimed to have a negative legal effect. The defendant also pleaded to the fact that the applicant is in no need of obtaining judicial relief with respect to the defendant's Finnish subsidiary. The applicant claimed that the defence plea must be rejected as inadmissible as it was presented late under the Procedural Code. The parties were unanimous in that the Market Court must give a separate ruling on the defence plea. The Court considered that it is irrelevant whether the defendant has claimed inadmissibility due to the arbitral award having the force of res judicata. Therefore, the Court must take the claim regarding inadmissibility of the legal issue into account ex officio. However, the Market Court stated that the claims, in this case, must be assessed on their own merits and in consideration of the Unfair Business Practices Act.

  • Oikeudellinen kysymys

    Whether an arbitral award precludes the examination of the applicant's claims in the Market Court.

  • Ratkaisu

    The Market Court ruled that the market law case under its consideration is, by its merits and applicable mandatory law, not the same case in terms of res judicata as the case settled by the arbitral tribunal between the applicant and the defendant's parent company. As the arbitral tribunal has not ruled or rejected the claims equivalent to those demanded by the applicant in the Market Court, the Market Court can consider the case.

    URL: https://www.markkinaoikeus.fi/fi/index/paatokset/markkinaoikeudellisetasiat/mao102022.html

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  • Asiaan liittyvät tapaukset

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  • Oikeuskirjallisuus

    Ei tuloksia saatavilla

  • Hakutulos

    Therefore, the Market Court rejects the defendants defence plea and examines the case.