
  • Uppgifter om doktrin
    • Medlemsstat: Sverige
    • Titel: The law on distance contracts and agreements outside business premises: a comment.
    • Underrubrik:
    • Typ: Book
    • URL:
    • Författare: KUTTENKEULER, ANNE
    • Referens: Norsteds Juridik ISBN: 9789139019756
    • Utgivningsår: 2018
    • Nyckelord: distance contracting, internet, off-premises contract, right of withdrawal
  • Direktivartiklar
    Consumer Rights Directive, link
  • Huvudanmärkning

    Lagen om distansavtal och avtal utanför affärslokaler: en kommentar.

    The distance and off-premises contracts act focuses on contractual relations that have become increasingly important, mainly due to e-commerce. This work provides a detailed description of this area of law, with comments to the legislation and references to the preparatory work and case law. It is intended to be used as a legal guide, especially for consumers and traders, but also for courts, authorities and others who may face such issues. The commentary deals with the extensive legislative changes in 2014 which extended the scope of the Act and included more detailed provisions with regards to, among other things, the consumer's right of withdrawal. It also contains the latest changes (1 September 2018) with regards to telephone sales contracts.

    Related law: Distance and Off-Premises Contracts Act (2005:59)

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